
The Moon is Always Full

The moon is always full

Our human eyes
See only its phases

Love is always here
Our human heart
Sees only its shadow

Joy is always present
Our human mind
Reasons it away

God is always near
Our human spirit
Knows this without words

O Moon, display your full beauty
to my inner eye
O Love, come into the light that casts
no shadow
O Joy, overflow my cup of reason
with your wine
O God, fill me, fill me, fill me
with Your knowing

That my heart may rejoice in You
My eyes may be filled with You
My reason overcome by You
My spirit abound in You


- Irving Karchmar

This poem is the most uplifting and promising poem. I read it when I need something to cheer me up. I hope you will like it too. Do visit Irving's blog, you wont be disappointed.