

I am writing my 200th post today! When I decided to start my own blog 6 months ago, I could not have imagined the "virtual friends" that I have come to know through this blog, let alone to receive gifts from them. Just last week, I received several wonderful gifts from Carmen. A lady that I have never met in person, but we met through our thoughts and minds. Thanks Carmen for your lovely gesture, You also have a surprise in the mail from me!

I also want to thank all my readers for their support and their regular comments. Hopefully you have, at least once, been inspired, moved and touched by a post that I have published here. If you have, then I have reached my original goal.

So Thank you Serendip, Regina, Jill, Blue the Spa Girl, The Enchanted soul, Magical droplets, ZaneIrani, Tori, Tongue in cheek, Alireza, tata, and all others for leaving Anonymous comments during the last six months.

Namaste! (I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me)